Me in my kitchen

Me in my kitchen

making cookie cutters cookies was always a huge hassle.

My name is Yolie and I invented One Smart Cookie™cutters because I wanted to bake cookies with my child using all the cookie cutters we have. I wanted to try my hand at decorating cookies like you see on Pinterest and in magazines. But by the time we finished making the dough and waiting for it to chill, my daughter would lose interest and I would be stuck with a mess to clean up and no more energy to decorate. I wanted to solve the problems associated with making cookie cutter cookies. Making it easier and less messy so that we could get to the best part: decorating and eating. Now I look forward to making cookies because it’s so fast and easy with One Smart Cookie™ cutters. I finally learned how to decorate the fancy way and my daughter and I have so much fun decorating now. We actually look forward to it! And isn’t that the idea? Being inspired and motivated to bake and decorate? We think you’ll be amazed and wonder why someone hadn’t thought of this before. Well I did and here it is. Hope it gets you motivated to bake and decorate!

Have fun!